1. This has turned out to be such a special week for our family. Millie is just starting to learn to walk and each day continues to take more and more steps on her own. It is so amazing watching her take on this new skill and be so proud of herself. She’s growing up so fast so we are just trying to slow down time and enjoy all of these special moments and memories with her. This week Mark and I also celebrated our three year wedding anniversary! While celebrating this year was a little different then years past, we enjoyed sharing the day together and making a nice meal together at home. It was a special day and each year together just keeps getting better and better! My heart is full. This week’s Friday Favorites – Anniversary Week features sourdough bread recipes and more, additional Father’s Day gift ideas, the best weekly sale finds plus a few favorite Etsy items from our wedding.
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Sourdough Bread
2. We recently received sourdough starter from a family member and set out on the (long journey) to making our first sourdough loaf! Still have some work to do but it is a start! And the bread was SO good. Definitely my motivation to keep this going.
Here are some helpful resources I referenced to get started:
- @sweetbutsourdough – follow these girls on Instagram for all the tips and tricks on making sourdough bread. I used their delicious recipe to make our first one below.
- Check out the beautiful Fraiche blog to see how to make a sourdough starter. She also shares some bread making items you can purchase if and when you want to get series about making sourdough bread!
- King Arthur Flour also has a TON of amazing recipes and tips on their page.

Weekly Sale Finds
3. In case you missed it, sharing my top weekly sale finds here for you! SO many good sales and cute outfit ideas for the upcoming holiday weekends.
Father’s Day Gift Ideas
4. You can check out my Father’s Day gift guide here.
If you want other ideas, here are a few additional item’s Mark added to his wish list. The gold watch I added is currently 40% off!
Wedding Etsy Shops
5. As I mentioned, this week Mark and I celebrated our third year wedding anniversary! Here are a few items that I purchased for our wedding that I kept and are so special to me from Etsy. The little wooden names we had on each place setting during our reception to help guests find their seats.
Hope everyone enjoyed this Friday Favorites – Anniversary Week and has an amazing weekend ahead!
xoxo, Mallary Bee