In family

Lovevery Honest Review

lovevery honest review

Today I am excited to share our honest review of one of our favorite baby toy brands and subscriptions, Lovevery! Lovevery products are designed by child development specialists, broken down by development at every age to create an educational experience your little ones enjoy. As a parent we can spend hours looking into the best toys for our little babes that support growth and playtime with a purpose. When I was researching Lovevery products prior to making the purchase I wasn’t able to find too much online and ended up just going for it. I want to be sure to answer all your questions so you can decide if this is right for your own family. Let’s dive in!

Lovevery Play Gym Honest Review

This cute and functional Lovevery play gym was a gift from our shower. First off, I love that it blends in with our home (neutral). It’s a baby product that I don’t mind keeping out on her bedroom floor. I get a little OCD about everything having a spot in our home! The play gym comes with a guide that outlines how to use this product at every stage during the first year with easy to read instructions that make it fun. Backed by research, Lovevery has done all the hard work for us so we can enjoy play time. Every month I continue to refer back to the guide and I’m amazed at how the play gym evolves for Millie. It continues to be her favorite hangout spot in her room.

She has used the play gym since we started doing tummy around one-month. Of course, at that age she wasn’t as interactive with the product. She loved staring at the black and white cards and the little mirror that comes with the kit. As she got older it was fun watching her become more aware of her surroundings. Playing with the bell or hanging high contrast ball. She’s always had great hand eye coordination and I’d have to say I would contribute that to the support of this fun product.

lovevery honest review

What About as Babies Get Older?

Today at nine months Millie still loves the play gym more than ever. Whether it’s grabbing her favorite crinkle teether hanging, spinning the ball or kicking the bell to hear the fun noise it makes. She loves looking at herself in the mirror and we swap out the common object and face cards frequently for her to get new visuals.

Once your baby outgrows the play gym, Lovevery provides a tent cover to turn the mat into a new spot explore, read books in and learn from. What kid doesn’t love their own fort?!

Lovevery Subscription Play Sets Review

With my clear obsession of the play gym, I decided to consider the subscription play sets that arrive at our doorstep every other month. They are based on different learning milestones at each baby stage, again backed by research. The kits start at $36 a month, it’s $80 for two months of play, but if you sign up and pay upfront you can save 10% off.

lovevery honest review
lovevery honest review

We didn’t start the play kits until Millie was six months. However, now that I ordered and love the product I definitely think I’ll be ordering the earlier play kits in the future as our family grows.

The Inspector Play Kit Review

When our first subscription play kit came, months six to eight, we were so excited to dive in and play! One of the toys that is part of the kit is a ball drop box. I thought there was no way (sorry Millie) she was going to know how to put the ball in the little hole on top. But… sure enough after days of practice she did it! And she was SO excited about it. She loved the noise it made when the wooden ball got dropped in and plays with it over and over. The ball drop box helps to build gross motor skills while learning that something can be there even when you can’t see it

The kit also included a wood ball set, a “my first signs” board book, texture cards, stacking dripdrop cups (another one of Millie’s favorites we always keep with us), first puzzle, felt ball set, treasure basket, first drinking cup and a play kit guide outlining everything you need to know about this kit.

I wasn’t sure if Montessori products would be for us or if Millie would be interested in these types of toys but after watching her interact, learn and grow I can without a doubt say this was the best investment. Bonus, these products are beautiful, made of sustainable harvested wood, organic cotton, baby safe plastics that are not only high quality but easy to clean and made for learning.

The Explorer Play Kit Review

We received the 9-10 play kit and we are so excited to play and learn during this next fun stage. Millie is currently on the move; she is so curious about the world and I love watching her explore. I’m eager to see what the Montessori Egg Cup is all about as I keep hearing about it and it is included in this kit. I will be sure to continue to share! The egg cup helps to support coordination and concentration.

lovevery honest review

Hope you enjoyed our Lovevery honest review. If you are thinking about getting the play gym or signing up for Loveevery monthly subscription play kits, do it! I stand behind their products and have had a great customer experience so far. They make the best gifts for our littles, are high quality and bonus that we are supporting their learning and development!

Other Lovevery Products to Try

Here are other Lovevery products I am excited to try next! This block kit, the organic cotton play tunnel and this cute pull pup.

xo, Mallary Bee

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